== Display in a K2 SIDEBAR MODULE ==

If you are using K2 (http://getk2.com), an advanced template for WordPress, then
there is an option for displaying the EventCalendar in the sidebar of your blog.

Within the eventcalendar3 plugin directory, you will find a K2 directory that
contains the ec3_sidebar_module.php. Copy this file into /app/modules/ of your
K2 theme install. 

Next, go to 'Presentation > K2 Sidebar Modules'. You should see two new modules:
'Event Calendar' and 'Upcoming Events' in the "Module's type" listing. Enter a
module name, select an EC module and click on the 'Add' button. Your module
name will appear on the left-hand side, currently appearing at the bottom of the

By clicking on your module name, you will be able to see the module options.

There are several parameters within this interface you can set:

  o You can change the module's name.
  o You can show/hide the module's name in the sidebar.
  o You can customize where the module appears in the sidebar. 
  o Number of events to show in the Upcoming Events list. [Default: 5]

You can move your EventCalendar module to any location within the sidebar by
dragging it to the desired spot.

Be sure to 'Save' before leaving so your changes will be recorded.

Finally, if you want to control other aspects of the Event Calendar, please
click on the link following these parameters within the module control. You will
be taken to 'Event Calendar Options' so you can further customize the
presentation of the Event Calendar plugin.